
Thursday, April 14, 2011


Watch out Facebook, Twitter is taking over. Recently the social networking site has been growing in popularity. For the past month, there have been about 460,000 new accounts each day with about 140 million tweets each day. "Someone told me about it and I was like well, why not? It's actually pretty cool," Burris junior Reilly Delk said.
For those of you who don't know, Twitter is "a real time information network that connects you to the latest information about what you find interesting" according to the site. "It's basically a stripped down version of Facebook without the stalking. It's a constant status update," Delk said. The site allows you to "follow" what others are saying and be "followed" by others. You can favorite memorable tweets, send personal messages and more.
Trends are another big part of Twitter. Trends are common tweets among your area and even worldwide. Some of the top trends in the United states are; taxes, no sleep, rise & grind, team Minaj, Kobe Bryant, and when in Australia. "I would have to say that I use trends a lot. My favorite is 'when in Australia' because Australia is really interesting," Burris junior Michelle Jones said.
You may wonder why Twitter is so popular. "I like it because I can follow celebrities and NBA players," Burris sophomore Mac Rathbun said. "I like how you're able to get constant updates from your friends," Burris senior Alex Nancarrow said.

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