
Friday, April 8, 2011

The problem of creation

 Allison Norton
        I waste paper trying to put my life into words: my thoughts, hopes, dreams, and feelings. All of which turns out to be a waste of my time as well. Life can’t be expressed in the matter of words because something so great loses all it’s essence and meaning when you try to define it.
There’s no way I can define the feeling I feel. Even by describing it in one word, loneliness, the feeling is no longer the same. It’s missing something now, something important, which makes it true.
Therefore, I won’t explain my life, thoughts, dreams or emotions. No. I’ll let you decide for me. Maybe within this game I can some enjoyment to pass the time. So please, tell me, who am I? What is my life? Make me as you will Lord, for I am no different from your children who have come before me, but I am different from you. There are us, your creation and You the Creator. We’re made from you, but forever different. In everything there is separation between one from another; A binary to define something by defining another first. And to think, Lord, you created this world in hopes of utopia.
But then who created you, I wonder. Surely there’s no higher being. What if man created you to essentially create ourselves? We create such a high and almighty deity to describe how the human race first began. Again, we define one thing to define the second. But if we created you, Lord, how could the binary be real? In essence, if we created the creator then we created everything else. We created the ideas of how the world turns, how it rains, how the heart of a human can be stopped and restarted, as well as the concept of religion. This would lead to us creating the binary as well. How can we explain one thing without having knowledge before of the object? Oh but not just knowledge of the object, we need a way to explain our ideas to the people who are around us. We must create the words we wish to use to further our existence, our survival.
Oh language, you wonderfully useful creation, yet you divide us from the rest of the world. How can it be Lord, that you created us yet in your creation of us, we’re divided from our brothers and sisters. The language barrier through the world separates the nations, every nation for themselves, against every other nation. And as the days grow in numbers, the gap between us and the other countries grow, which causes enemies and war.
What a messed up world Lord, in which you or us have created. We only create to define, which only complicates our further endeavors to define things in the future. Words and their nature, for all intents and purposes lessens the meaning of anything. Yet they have so much power as to start a war. “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” is so conflicting to this world. If words never hurt anyone, why is there war? The words themselves don’t hurt but the thought and the feeling behind them do. And it’s in our nature to fight back when being attacked whether physically and verbally.
“All men are created equal,” another cliché, because if all men are created equal, then why were their slaves. Why do we pay immigrants less than we do ourselves? It’s us against the world you see, from now until the world ends.

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