
Monday, April 25, 2011

Academy student leaves golf team

by Derek Packard

The boys have hit a rough spot already in their season. After several loses to Alexandria and Delta the boys suffered do to another loss. This loss came as a player on their team, Jin Yooh a Junior from the Indiana Academy left the team. The team is now down to only four golfers and the season is looking bleak.

Jin left the team for many reasons, but the main were made clear. He had too many academic conflicts with the Academy and the golf team. The number of matches that he was going to be unable to make were a significant amount higher than the number that he could make. There fore there would not be any reason to stay on the team any more.

The boys team is now narrowed down to only four golfers and will mostly be participating for individuals. Some team members are wondering if the team will even be there next year, and if the team is even worth it any more. It looks dim this year for the success of the Boys golf team. The team will press on to the end of the season though.

They will have to forfeit several matches due to the fact that several golf team members will be gone on may term trips. The remaining players durning that time period may golf but it will not have any team impact and they could only win medalist for the event.

Sadly the team is falling apart and the season looks dim for next year. Most kids will not be returning due to family transfers, transferring schools or just too old. This may be the last year for the Burris Boys golf team, and they can only hope that they finish well.

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