Welcome to the Burris Common Ground Newspaper! Your source for all news about Burris Laboratory School grades K-12 and the Indiana Academy
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Friday, April 29, 2011
favorite easter candy
Chocolate bars (dark or milk)---3
Jelly Bellys--- 2
Sour Patch Kids--- 5
Butterfinger--- 2
Skittles--- 3
Starburst--- 3
Swedish fish--- 1
Music Review: Another Night Alone by Mac Miller
April showers cause trouble for baseball
'Soul Surfer' review
Graduation Plans
Facebook vs Twitter

According to a poll of 20 Burris High School students, 55% of students prefer using social networking site Facebook, while 45% prefer the popular site Twitter.
Chris Brown F.A.M.E by Hannah Clemmons
Mugshot of the Day
Burris senior Kelsey Carr wins scholarship
Battle Of the Bands
Thursday, April 28, 2011
What is Burris' favorite season?
- 21% of the people surveyed said Spring as their favorite season.
- 42% of the people surveyed said Summer as their favorite season.
- 26% of the people surveyed said Fall as their favorite season.
- 11% of the people surveyed said Winter as their favorite season.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Independent Studies-kylie
Favorite Ice Cream
Senior Honors Night
AP English Exam
Class Pictures
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
'Words With Friends' popular app
Words with Friends

Monday, April 25, 2011
The Labyrinth
“What have I gotten myself into?” I question as I round another corner. This place…it is infinite. I’ve been here for so long that I’ve forgotten how or why I’m even here in the first place. Did I agree to this or was it forced upon me? Am I a prisoner? Am I in Purgatory, or hell, or some combination of the two? What am I to gain from this: wealth, fame, freedom? I do not know. All I know is that I must move on. I’ve been at this for so long, in fact, that I’ve even forgotten how I’ve come to learn the means by which to advance. Did someone teach them to me? Certainly I did not enter this realm knowing that my words, when combined, had this much power. All of these questions are pointless however; as well as silent, and thus they shall remain. For if I speak my thoughts aloud, I am uncertain as to the ramifications of this action.
For you see, I am trapped…trapped in this place without end…a Labyrinth would be a sufficient noun. I would divulge the duration of my adventure; however, I no longer have any such perception of time. Nor have I in…ah, again I attempt a chronological categorization of events, or my perception of the duration of those events….forgive me, I digress. Perhaps this is how I’ve allowed myself to become lost so many a time. I must stay focused at all times; if my mind wanders, sometimes I find myself rambling, no longer attending to the words dripping out of my mouth. Without sense and order to my speech, I am furthering myself from relief.
I suppose I should explain; I wouldn’t want to bestow confusion upon any other parties. You see, the only way for me to advance in this Labyrinth is to speak aloud. Whatever I say, is…what I mean by this is that by using my words aloud I create. Like a divine architect: I am creating the tools, which I am using to find the end of this maze out of nothing but my own words. If I desire, or think a staircase will lead me closer I just say, “Rising staircase.”; if it is too steep I say, “Lower” and if too low than the same method but the other way around. I do wish I knew how close I was though. I’ve been at this for what seems an eternity and I’ve no indication of how far I’ve gone and how close I am to the end.
But how could I have forgotten! If I wish to bring you along on this journey with me than you must be keen to my whereabouts; by whereabouts I do not mean my geographical location, for that is impossible to tell from where I currently reside. I had simply forgotten, until now, to describe the conditions I find myself in. I find myself in a long corridor. It is damp and dark, with torches, ever so evenly spaced, lighting the walls. Each step I take, each breath I make, echoes from here to the depths of hell; which I am beginning to suspect is not much more than a murmur away. With the exception of minor differences, each time I adapt my surroundings to further my progress it seems almost identical to the position I was in last. I turn a corner, there’s a corridor; I turn four corners, there is a corridor; I ascend a set of stairs, corridor; descend a spiral staircase that I decide opens into the mouth of a pit, which I quickly create stepping stones to descend, corridor. Perhaps not the most suitable of conditions for one upon whom wit and decisiveness, and altogether sanity so heavily rely.
Perhaps I have rambled already, I do not recall what I say or of what I speak. I am, quite understandably, losing my mind. For instance I talk to you now but it is only I who is to suffer this fate; only I who is in this corridor…for if someone else were here I would have heard their echoes by now…unless my own drown them out…ah, now there’s an idea. Perhaps there has been someone following closely behind for the duration of my dilemma; perhaps I should check…nothing, no one, only darkness and the sounds of my footsteps.
So here I stand; in the same corridor I’ve visited innumerable times, frantically thinking of what might bring me closer to the end, speaking to my own self…I’d prefer to say this situation is rare…I’d be lying. Another thing that strikes me as curious is my lack of the necessity for subsistence. I do not crave food or drink, nor sleep; I only desire the burden that is this labyrinth be lifted. Perhaps the strangest aspect of this world though, is that I know where I want to end up, I have the means by which to reach my destination…I just cannot find the right combination. Each time I try I end up in a different location…I can get fairly close, but never actually reach my destination. The longer and harder I try, the more frustrating this becomes…I’m racking my mind attempting to figure out the right combination to finally get me there, “Left turn. Ascending staircase. Steeper. Right turn. A crevasse…one stone, another, another, another, ano… er, another. Ascending staircase.” Nothing…nothing is working! This is insanity! Perhaps I should just create a pit and simply step off the edge…but wait; would I ever stop falling? Like those first explorers who met their demise at the edge of the earth? No, I cannot give up…I must find the end to this labyrinth.
I grow weary…frantic…erratic…helpess…hopless. I only desire an end. Cannot this simple wish be granted? I care not who answers my prayer…surely Lucifer grants some prayers…fiddle of gold says he’s a part of my predicament, which in itself is a severe understatement. No…no one is here to aid me…no gentle, guiding hand from above; nor mutilated, clenching claw from below…I must conquer this labyrinth on my own. I must keep searching for the end…though I am beginning to believe it cannot be found…is it even possible? “Left turn”, “What have I gotten myself into?” I question as I round another corner.
Academy student leaves golf team
by Derek Packard
The boys have hit a rough spot already in their season. After several loses to Alexandria and Delta the boys suffered do to another loss. This loss came as a player on their team, Jin Yooh a Junior from the Indiana Academy left the team. The team is now down to only four golfers and the season is looking bleak.
Jin left the team for many reasons, but the main were made clear. He had too many academic conflicts with the Academy and the golf team. The number of matches that he was going to be unable to make were a significant amount higher than the number that he could make. There fore there would not be any reason to stay on the team any more.
The boys team is now narrowed down to only four golfers and will mostly be participating for individuals. Some team members are wondering if the team will even be there next year, and if the team is even worth it any more. It looks dim this year for the success of the Boys golf team. The team will press on to the end of the season though.
They will have to forfeit several matches due to the fact that several golf team members will be gone on may term trips. The remaining players durning that time period may golf but it will not have any team impact and they could only win medalist for the event.
Sadly the team is falling apart and the season looks dim for next year. Most kids will not be returning due to family transfers, transferring schools or just too old. This may be the last year for the Burris Boys golf team, and they can only hope that they finish well.
Seniors Prep for College
A Reminder for Seniors By Hannah Clemmons
Burris seniors Hannah Clemmons and Faulkner Allocco are organizing the senior slide show. All seniors are asked to bring their photos in so that the show my be displayed during Senior Honors Night on May 4.
What seniors need to bring:
- 3-5 pictures of you from their childhood
- 1 senior picture
- ANY group pictures, past or present!
If digital copies can be provided the show will be much more manageable, however, they can be scanned if necessary.
Photos may be brought in or e-mailed to hannybanany2011@comcast.net
Song suggestions are also appreciated.
Difficult Start to Baseball Season
Biography of Caleb Pine
Owl Walk 2011
Hannah Badger
The Burris Owl walk took place April 22 at the Quad. The whole school met in the quad around one to start the annual Burris Owl Walk. This year the walk was to raised to help support the Library.
The library is in need of new materials. The money raised from the Owl Walk will allow for the library to buy new books and materials that they are in need of. In order to motivate the school the class that raised the most money is going to be awarded a pizza party. Also the person from each the elementary, middle and high school will be given a Books A Million gift card.
The Owl Walk was mandatory for the whole school. The high school students were paired up with elementary or middle school students. The younger students became their “buddy” for the hour. The walk began with Zumba. Zumba is a dance type exercise. The elementary students had been taught the zumba dance in gym class. “It was fun but I did not know what was going on during Zumba,” said Burris senior Katie Hawkins.
The younger kids led the high school kids around to do a number of physical activities. Some of these activities included hurdles, jump rope and racing around cones.
After these activities everyone walked together around the quad and through Christy Woods.
The New Finals Schedule
Seccessive Strokes
Pounding down upon me like a gavel, driving her hatred to depths from which i could never hope to retrieve it. Each echoing, a chorus in an empty hall. Those successive strokes, decisive and denouncing, powerfully permeating my heart, staining it black with the substance of disdain.
[Counting the days]
left of this parade.
Two weeks till tests
of which I detest
May term will be the end
time to say bye to friends.
Walking out the doors
onto something more.
Burris owls we will be
until we cease to be.
The title will stay
even when we go away.
-Faulkner Allocco
Thursday, April 21, 2011
AP exams
Media students attend Ball State's Journalism Day
Teacher Evaluations
J-Day Review
Journalism Day was held yesterday on the campus of Ball State University. Several workshops were held were students were exposed to today's emerging form of journalism. The opening of J-day included David Studinski Senior Product Manager for College Media Network at Ball State talked about how important advertising was to today's technology. With Twitter and Facebook advertising campaigns are using innovative ways to show their product. Basically with each product you like or click on your image becomes.
His speech set the pace for the day as many other workshops later on talked about the importance of organization in technology and how to utilize it to its fullest potential. Austin Quinn said, "J-day always teaches me something new and this year it was how extensive google was in their application and uses online."
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Senior Skip Day
By: Tanna Jones
Monday April 18th was senior skip for Burris seniors. The seniors chose Monday because it was following prom weekend. The seniors decided to go to Puerto Vallarta for lunch, meeting at 11:30. “I had fun eating lunch with everyone,” says Burris senior Paige Chambers. Senior Hannah Clemmons says, “I thought it was really funny when we told Puerto that it was Katie Hawkins birthday, and she got whipped creamed in the face.”
After Puerto the class went and played at Westside Park for a couple of hours. Senior Alison Carmichael says, “I was really glad the weather was nice, and it didn’t rain.” After awhile some seniors had to leave for work, and others went on a walk by the river. Around three, everyone went different ways to either hang out or go to practices. All in all senior skip day was a success.

Rain in Indiana
Monday, April 18, 2011
King's Island Countdown
As the summer sun begins to sneak its way into our days, the weather grows warmer and the urge to get out-- to escape the confines of our classrooms and dormitories-- encases us all. It builds up, an exponential growth in restlessness and desire that will erupt in one event: King’s Island. This annual trip, and Academy tradition, falls this year on April 30th. It is on this day that Academites will rise up bright and early, board the buses in unison, and head out for a day of sun, rollercoasters, and overpriced food. After hours and hours of fun, they will return to their comfy beds, collapsing softly, sunburned and sore, but nonetheless content after a great day of fun. "I'm excited to get to be with friends without worrying about the Academy, even if it's only for a day," says Senior Aaron Whiteman, who plans on attending the trip.
Tickets cost $45 and have been on sale. Contact any SLC for information if interested.
Friday, April 15, 2011
You will have Someone's Undying Gratitude
The Walkathon
Sailing Into Style
Although originally designed in the early 1900’s, Sperry Top-Sider boat shoes are as popular as ever among people of all ages. Armstrong Sperry designed the shoes in 1935 when he was afraid of becoming injured or falling overboard while walking on the slippery deck of his boat. The design for the shoes was inspired by the grooves and cracks on the bottom of his dog’s feet. Sperry also created a non-slip, white sole that wouldn’t leave marks on the deck of the boat. Because of the clever design, the shoes quickly became popular among sailors and eventually the U.S. Navy began to provide Sperrys for their sailors. After their recognition in the Navy, Sperrys became even more popular and the shoes became marketed across the country.
Old Is The New Trend
All over many teens today enjoy incorporating yesterday 's trends into today's fashion. Many will mix their trends together, wearing an 80's skirt with a modern tank top. Retro clothing being brought back has alot to do with influence. in the Popular high-school musical movie you can see the wardrobe style being similar to what kids in the 80's would wear to high school or a get together outside of school. Thrift stores such as Goodwill are becoming more and more popular to buy retro style or used clothing.
Summer Plans
Boys golf team
Burris students get a taste of life in jail
Jobs because of Connections