
Monday, March 28, 2011

Unstoppable: Movie Review by Hannah Clemmons

Unstoppable, 20th Century Fox drama, is a story about a half-mile long train carrying toxic chemicals becomes a runaway in Pennsylvania due to an accident at the loading station. Frank Barnes (Denzel Washington) is a mentor to the new train conductor Will Closon (Chris Pine) and the two find themselves in the direct path of the train. The train is traveling nearly 75 mph and causing mass chaos throughout the state. The fate of a town in Pennsylvania lies in the hands of these two conductors. It is their job to help stop the train and prevent death and destruction to the town.

This movie received a 3.7/5 rating according to Rotten Tomatoes rating site. I, on the other hand, would give it a 2.5/5. This movie was so predictable, every aspect of it. It doesn't compare to Washington's previous classics such as Remember the Titans and The Bone Collector. Although this movie is based on a true story, I find most of the instances hard to believe. And the reactions of the people. The concept was very strange, just sitting through a movie for an hour and 38 minutes about people fearing a train and attempting to stop it and chase it. It was just very strange and seemed to have a strange point. I feel like recent movies are all very pointless because people are having trouble coming up with original topics. Hopefully writers and directors come up with more original material for future movies or else they will start boring all audiences.

Director: Tony Scott
Distributor: 20th Century Fox
Rated: PG-13
Running Time: 1 hour 38 minutes
In Theaters: November 21, 2010
In Stores: February 15, 2011
Box Office: $81.6M

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