By: Tanna Jones
Gnomeo and Juliet is an animated comedy, directed by Kelly Asbury that was released on February 11, 2011. The movie is based on William Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet. Two neighbors, Mrs. Montague and Mr. Capulet despise each other. There garden figurines come alive when they go to work and have lawnmower races. One garden is red and the other is blue. The gnomes despise each other just like the neighbors. The blue gnome Gnomeo, played by James McAvoy runs into Juliet played by Emily Blunt, a red gnome and they fall in love. They secretly see each other because a blue and red are not suppose to be together. Gnomeo and Juliet make new friends and overcome many obstacles to be together throughout the movie.The movie is targeted for families, both children and parents will enjoy this movie. The run time is 84 minutes and rated G. I think the movie was good overall I just thought they could have added more to the ending. I like how they had a talking statue of William Shakespeare that Gnomeo talks to in the park. The movie is funny and will make you laugh.
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