
Friday, May 6, 2011

Owl Walk Results

The results of the Burris Owl walk that took place on April 21 are finally in! The purpose of the Owl walk was to raise money for the Burris Library, and it was successful. Although numbers are still being added, it is certain that Burris students raised more than $2,000 to contribute to the library.

The Owl walk also offered a pizza party contest to the class who raised the most money for the library. The winning class was the Kindergarten, coming in with a total of $659 in donations. Burris K-12-er and senior Hannah Badger said,“I think it’s good that the Kindergarten raised the most money for the library, hopefully those students will continue to care about it and help in years to come.”

The Owl walk also had a drawing for $25 Books-A-Million gift cars, giving one to an elementary, middle and a high school student. The winner of the elementary gift card was Jo Cross, the middle school was Kyler McCarty, and the high school winner was Drew Odle. Congratulations to all the winners!

Overall, the results prove that the Owl walk was not only successful because of how much fun it was, but also because it really helped the school make valuable contributions to one of the best educational resources Burris has available, the library.

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